Awesome product! Almost feels like brings blood flow to skin better than massage without this tool.
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This wonderful little tool is a must for any Buffalo Gal skin routine.
Used in China since the 7th century, the practice of gua sha (skin scraping) offers many of the same benefits as lymphatic massage: it improves circulation, encourages healthy lymphatic flow and assists in cell turnover. We use it stimulate collagen production and smooth out wrinkles. It helps de-puff the under eye area and serves as a relaxing part of a daily routine. It is truly magic!
Which one to choose? Pick the one you feel most drawn to -- they both feature edges that will get the job done. If we happen to be out of one, we will send you the other.
Keep your gua sha stone in the fridge for extra cooling, if desired. Apply any of our Tallow Balms or Mending Oil to face. Using medium pressure and an approximately 15 degree angle, pull flat end of stone from the nose across cheek to outside of face toward ear, pressing down toward ear. Repeat a few times. Find the edge of the stone that works best for your nose, eye brows, lips, chin, neck and forehead and give your whole face a treatment. A little redness means it's working!
Note: We will compose a video for how to use this tool, but in the meantime, a quick internet search for gua sha will yield lots of video tutorials!
Awesome product! Almost feels like brings blood flow to skin better than massage without this tool.